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Predictive modelling of microbial behaviour in foods: an industrial perspective and applications

5 November 2010 | By François Bourdichon & Mohamed Hedi Ben Cheikh, Food Safety Centre, Danone Corporate

Mathematics is everywhere. One might go into the field of biology to avoid numbers and equations, yet they are still there, helping food technologists to decipher the behaviour of micro-organisms in different food matrices and along the process chain. Since the negation of the spontaneous generation theory by Louis Pasteur…

Whole room disinfection – potential for environmental pathogen control?

5 November 2010 | By Alicja Malinowska & John Holah, Campden BRI

To meet retailer, customer and consumer expectations, there are increasing demands within the food industry for higher standards of microorganism control in food production environments. Traditional approaches such as cleaning and disinfection regimes have been targeting specific sites within the processing environment to control contamination. Such sites might include food…

Demonstration of novel technologies and advanced heating has been a key goal for NovelQ

5 November 2010 | By Lilia Ahrné, Director of Department Process and Technology Development, SIK and Ariette Matser, Senior Scientist Novel Processing, Wageningen UR, Food & Biobased Research

One of the goals of NovelQ is to facilitate and speed up industrial exploitation of novel technologies by carrying out extensive demonstration activities with real food products and industrial equipment in close collaboration with the food industry. A variety of activities have been undertaken during the lifetime of NovelQ demonstrating…

How to compare novel and conventional processing methods in new product development: A case-study on orange juice

4 November 2010 | By Ariette Matser & Hennie Mastwijk, Wageningen UR and Diána Bánáti, Director General, Central Food Research Institute and Liesbeth Vervoort & Marc Hendrickx, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

The overall objective of the EU FP6 NovelQ Integrated Project was to formulate strategic solutions for technical and basic research hurdles to enhance the development and successful demonstration of Novel Processing (NP) schemes. A parallel approach was chosen based on providing a sound scientific base and technology transfer. The first…

Novel processing and sustainable food production – a perfect match or not?

4 November 2010 | By Ulf Sonesson, Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology (SIK)

Food is indispensible to humans. Aside from the provision of energy and nutrients, it contributes to a range of important aspects of human life such as pleasure, cultural identity and heritage. At the same time, food accounts for a significant global share of total environmental impact and resource use. It…

Novel processed food packaging challenges

4 November 2010 | By Nathalie Gontard, Valérie Guillard, Miguel Mauricio Iglesias, Stéphane Peyron & Sana Raouche Joint Research Unit Agropolymers Engineering and Emerging Technologies – UMR 1208 Montpellier SupAgro, INRA and Salvatore Iannace, Institute of Composite and Biomedical Materials, National Research Council of Italy and Giuseppe Mensitieri & Ernesto Di Maio, Dept. of Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II

In the last few years, the fast development of novel processing methods for food preservation to improve safety, quality and shelf life of packaged foods gave place to important gaps of knowledge that must be filled in the area of suitable packaging materials. In particular, in the European Project NovelQ…

Hygienic design of novel processing equipment

4 November 2010 | By Edyta Margas & John Holah, Campden BRI and Alexander Milanov & Lilia Ahrné, SIK

The hygienic design of food processing equipment is a critical factor in determining the quality and safety of foods produced. It involves the selection of suitable materials of construction, their fabrication into a functional piece of equipment, the ability of constructed equipment to produce food hygienically and the maintenance of…

From laboratory-scale to pilot-scale

4 November 2010 | By Ariette Matser & Hennie Mastwijk, Wageningen UR and Milan Houška, Food Research Institute Prague

The implementation of a novel processing technology needs a science-based approach where product benefits initially demonstrated in a laboratory environment and the associated risks are used to predict enhanced quality when the technology is used in large-scale industrial operation. We discuss four novel technologies business cases developed for food application…

Hygienic assembly and transfer of food products: A demonstration system for the automatic processing of vegetables

4 November 2010 | By Anders Pettersson, SlK and John O. Gray, IIT

Food production constitutes the largest European manufacturing sector, employing some four million people and generating an annual turnover of approximately EUR 850 billion of which EUR 50 billion products are exported. The sector is unusual in that a large percentage of its output still depends on manual operations; a situation…

The decision support tool to select appropriate technologies for specific industries

4 November 2010 | By Ariette Matser, Miriam Quataert, Remco Hamoen and Huug de Vries, Wageningen UR, Food & Biobased Research

In past years, it has become clear that the variety and complexity of novel processing methods is a major bottleneck for companies in deciding where to invest. Even though the pros and cons of technologies have been highlighted in various books (HPP, PEF-books, EME etc.), the most appropriate technologies for…

The NovelQ 10C approach towards SMEs

4 November 2010 | By Huug de Vries, Project Coordinator, NovelQ and Huub Lelieveld Executive Committee, Global Harmonisation Initiative

On 18 February 2010, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn – the new Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science – gave a speech at the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union. Mrs Geoghegan-Quinn made two striking remarks: “My job title covers research, innovation and science. I am glad that President Barroso decided…

An interview with Dr Jürgen Lucas

4 November 2010 | By Dr Jürgen Lucas, European Commission Project Officer for NovelQ

In May 2010, we interviewed the European Commission Project Officer for NovelQ, Dr Jürgen Lucas. Dr Jürgen Lucas works at Directorate-General Research, Directorate E – Biotechnologies, Agriculture and Food, Unit E.3 – Food, Health and Well-being in Brussels. We asked about European Commission activities, project opportunities in the food processing…

Predictive shelf life modelling of orange juice treated by novel processing

4 November 2010 | By Floor Boon, TNO and Nicolas Meneses & Dietrich Knorr, Technische Universität Berlin

Shelf life is defined as the period during which a product is acceptable for human consumption. Products are spoiled by microbial, chemical and physical processes. Shelf life is determined by the raw material quality, product formulation, processing, packaging and storage conditions. Processes that determine shelf life can be described using…

The smell of coffee – an analytical perspective

26 August 2010 | By Chahan Yeretzian, Alexia Glöss, Sergio Petrozzi, Lucio D’Ambrosio, Kaja Knöpfli-Lengweiler, Flurin Wieland, Andrea Fridolin Wild and Ruedi Anliker, Coffee Research Group, Zürich University of Applied Sciences

Within the last century, coffee has become one of the world’s most popular beverages and represents a major economic factor for many coffee-producing countries and a significant business sector in consuming countries. The success of this fascinating brew has been overwhelming and its future seems even more exciting1,2. The ever…

Ice fraction assessment by near infrared spectroscopy

26 August 2010 | By Astrid Stevik, Research Scientist, SINTEF

The discussion of the energy crisis for a steadily growing population is often limited to scarce amounts of electric power based on more or less environmentally friendly energy sources. However, lack of food, and in particular fresh food, is also part of the current energy crisis. Fresh food is one…