
New Food Issue 6 2021

Will technology save us? Find out in our latest issue of New Food as we look to the experts for answers in this mega-packed edition, which also includes several pieces from leaders in the confectionery sector.

As the population grows and we struggle with harsher climates and pesticide-resistant plants, growers have had to take a step back to jump several forward. Artificial intelligence (AI), automation, gene editing (GE) and indoor farming – concepts that were once the tales of science fiction – now hold the future of our food system in their hands.

In this issue of New Food we discover how modern high-tech farming could eliminate mycotoxins. (page 32). We also find out why bacteriophages hold such promise in food safety and waste reduction (page 28), and more about some crucial work being undertaken in Africa to limit cases of food fraud which has caused detrimental damage to areas within the continent. 

Also included in this edition:

    The perks of going online as a brand, plus how one company is fighting exploitation in coca
    We take a deep dive into seafood supply chains and hear how we can improvement microbiology testing
    Find out about the latest solutions, including how NIR spectroscopy could make plastic recycling easier
    Buddhi Dias from ALS explains the importance behind pesticide use and what your lab should be testing for
    Vicky Pyrogianni from the International Sweeteners Association discusses low/no calorie sweeteners