
An education on autogenous vaccines

New Food hears about rapid veterinary microbiology and the production of autogenous vaccines for poultry, cattle and pigs.

Vaccinations are one of the most important pillars in animal health management, alongside general hygiene including housing conditions and feed.

The identification of microorganisms is also a basic requirement when selecting vaccines.

The need for vaccinations against certain diseases is undisputed among experts and an economic factor for livestock producers. In general, vaccinations can imitate an infection without causing the disease, stimulating the formation of antibodies within an animal.

Vaccines are used for prophylaxis against animal diseases and for animal health.

After the vaccination shot, the body learns to form antibodies against these pathogens in the event it encounters them again, meaning the animal is protected against future infections.

Interested to know more? Read our article from Avicare+ around the essential use of rapid veterinary microbiology and the production of autogenous vaccines for livestock…