Speaker Details

Stan Phillips

Agricultural Counselor, U.S. Embassy London

Stan Phillips has been serving as the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) representative to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland since December 2014. As Agricultural Counselor, Stan is the principal officer responsible for coordinating USDA policies and activities in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. His assignment to the U.S. Embassy in London will conclude in August 2019.

Since joining USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) in 1990, Stan has served in positions at the headquarters office in Washington, DC related to commodity analysis, multilateral trade negotiations, and African and Middle Eastern agricultural affairs. He has been posted on foreign assignments as Agricultural Attaché in Warsaw, Poland (1995-2000), Agricultural Attaché in Seoul, South Korea (2002-2006), and Agricultural Trade Office Director in Seoul, South Korea (2006-2009).

Stan grew up on a family farm in Montana. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Business in 1987 and a Master of Science degree in Applied Economics in 1989 from Montana State University.